Last Date : 26/11/2011

10+2 Cadet (B. Tech) Entry Scheme Jan 2012: Advt details
Click here for Application Form
T h e t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s , g i v e n i n t h i s Ad v e r t i s e m e n t , a r e s u b j e c t t o
c h a n g e a n d s h o u l d , t h e r e f o r e , b e t r e a t e d a s g u i d e l i n e s o n l y
Detai ls are also avai lable on websi te : www.nausena-bhar t i .nic. i n
davp 10701/11/0049/1112

1. Applications are invited from UNMARRIED MALE CANDIDATES (fulfilling
the conditions of nationality as laid down by the Govt of India) to join the
prestigious Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala under 10+2 Cadet
(B Tech) Entry Scheme.
2. Age. 17 to 19½ years (i.e. born between 02 Jan 1993 & 01 Jul 1995. (both
dates inclusive).
3. Educational Qualification. Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 Pattern)
or its equivalent from University/Board with at least 70 % aggregate marks
in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in
English (either in Class X or Class XII).
4. Physical Standards
(a) Height and Weight. Minimum height - 157 cms with correlated weight
as per age.
(b) Eye Sight. The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision
6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be colour/
night blind.
Note: There will be no relaxation in physical standards.
On successful completion of training you will be commissioned as Sub Lieutenant.
The benefits of being an officer in the Navy are enumerated in succeeding
5. Pay Scale & Promotions. The promotion from Sub Lieutenant to Commander
is on time scale basis and thereafter on selection basis subject to fulfillment of
requisite service conditions. The Pay Scale is as follows:-
SUB LIEUTENANT PB-3/15600-39100 5400 6000
LIEUTENANT PB-3/15600-39100 6100 6000
LIEUTENANT CDR PB-3/15600-39100 6600 6000
COMMANDER PB-4/37400-67000 8000 6000
CAPTAIN PB-4/37400-67000 8700 6000
COMMODORE PB-4/37400-67000 8900 6000
REAR ADMIRAL PB-4/37400-67000 10000 -
VICE ADMIRAL & HAG Scale/67000-79000 - -
VICE ADMIRAL & HAG+Scale/75500-80000 - -
VCNS/C-IN-C/Equiv Apex 80000 - -
ADMIRAL/Equiv 90000 - -
6. Allowances (as applicable). The rates of allowances applicable to officers
are as follows:-
A l l o w a n c e s To wh om g r a n t e d Rate Per Month (pm)
(in Rs)
Technical Technical Officers 2500-6250/pm depending
on courses qualified
Instructional All Officers posted as Instructors 2250/pm
Flying Allowance Qualified Pilot/Observer 11250-17500/pm
Submarine Qualified Submariner 11250-17500/pm
Marcos Qualified as Marcos 11250-17500/pm
Diving Clearance/Ships Diver 1000/500/pm
Sea going All Naval Officers Serving 5250-6500/pm on
Onboard Ships (Sailing Only) basis of Rank
Uniform All Officers 20000 (Initial grant) &
6250(Every 3 Yrs)
Hard Area All Officers posted in Hard 25% of basic Pay
Area as declared by Govt.
House Rent All Officers not provided Govt. 10-30 % of Basic (Pay
Accommodation Band +Grade Pay +MSP)
Transport All Officers 1600-3200 (+ DA thereon)
7. Cost to Company (CTC). The CTC for a Sub Lieutenant would be approximately
Rs. 65,000/- per month. This includes Basic Pay, DA, Grade Pay, Military Service
Pay, House Rent Allowance and Transport allowance. These rates are not
statutory and are subject to change.
8. Privileges. In addition to the CTC mentioned above, Navy provides Free
Medical Facilities for Self & dependents, Canteen Facilities, Entitled Rations,
Mess/Club/Sports Facilities, Furnished Govt. Accommodation, Car/Housing Loan
at subsidised rate.
9. Group Insurance & Gratuity. Insurance cover of Rs. 40 lakhs (on contribution)
and Gratuity will be granted to the officer as per the latest rules in force.
10. Leave Entitlements. Officers are entitled to 60 days annual and 20 days
casual leave every year (subject to service exigencies). They are also entitled
40% rail concession to any place and free travel (as per extant rules) for self
and dependents. Leave during training period will be as per the Training Policy
in force.
11. Sports & Adventure. The Navy provides facilities to pursue any sport of your
liking. In addition, one can learn and participate in adventure sports, such as
river rafting, mountaineering, hot air ballooning, hang gliding, wind surfing etc.
12. Physical fitness. In Naval Academy curriculum, a lot of emphasis is laid on
physical fitness. You are therefore, advised to remain fit by undertaking regular
physical excercises, sports, running, swimming, etc. so that you can meet the
training goals successfully.
13. Candidates are to submit application in ‘e-application' (Online) for this entry.
The candidates desirous of applying online (e-application) can do so from
02 Nov 11. The online application registration will cease on 26 Nov 11.The
procedure for applying online is explained in Paras 14 & 15 below.
14. Online (e-application):- Whilst filling up the e-application, it is advisable to
keep the relevant documents readily available to enable the following:-
(a) Correct filling up of personal particulars.Details are to be filled up as given
in the Matriculation Certificate.
(b) Fields such as e-mail address, mobile number are mandatory fields and
need to be filled.
15. Filling up of e-application:- For filling up application online visit our website and proceed as follows:-
(a) Click on the "Officer Entry" button under the option 'Apply Online' on
the Home Page.
(b) Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up fields have
been provided as you highlight each field.
(c) Before clicking the submit button it should be checked whether all the
details entered in the form are correct as you will not be able to make any
corrections after saving the record.
(d) After submitting the form, a 'Roll Number' will be generated by the
system and displayed on the screen. This Roll Number will automatically
appear on the print out of the form. If the system does not generate the
Roll Number, it is an indication of non-acceptance of Application by the
(e) Print two copies of the online Application Form having the system
generated Roll Number. One copy of this Application Form is to be duly
signed and mailed (posted) to Post Box No. 04, Chanakyapuri, New
De l h i - 11 0 0 2 1 a l o n g wi t h t h e f o l l owi n g d o c ume n t s : - S e l f a t t e s t e d
photograph, Attested photo copies of 10th & 12th class certificates
along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets
of all semester/years. Send the Application by normal post. Application
received by Speed Post/Courier/Registered Post will not be accepted.
(f) A superscription is to be made on envelope : ONLINE ROLL NO.
- JUN 2012 COURSE Qualification PCM Percentage ___% . Application
a n d r e q u i s i t e e n c l o s u r e s m u s t b e p r o p e r l y t a g g e d / s t a p l e d , I H Q
MoD(Navy) will not be responsible for loss of enclosures, if sent loose.
Note:- (i) Final receipt of the printout of the online Application Form with system
generated Roll Number and all documents as mentioned in sub para (e)
above (if received by 06 Dec 11) will be the final CONFIRMATION of receipt of
your Application at IHQ MoD (Navy). Hence, only filling the application online/
generation of Roll No. does not imply that the candidate has fulfilled all the
criteria given in the advertisement.
(ii) Your application is subject to subsequent scrutiny and the application
can be rejected, if found INELIGIBLE at any point of time.
16. (a) Candidates will be issued call up for Service Selection Board (SSB)
interviews based on their PCM marks in 10+2/equivalent Examination.
Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy) reserves the right to
short-list applications and to fix cut off percentage. No communication will
be entertained on this account. SSB interviews for short-listed candidates
will be scheduled at Bangalore/Bhopal/Coimbatore during Feb to May
(b) Stage I test, consisting of Intelligence Tests, Picture Perception and
Discussion Tests will be conducted on the second day of arrival at SSB.
Candidate who fail to qualify in Stage I will be routed back on the same day.
Stage II Tests comprising of Psychological Testing, Group Testing and
Interview will last for 04 days. Successful candidates will thereafter undergo
Medical examination (approx duration 03-05 days).
(c) Candidates recommended by the SSBs and declared medically fit, will
be appointed for training in order of All India Merit depending on the number
of vacancies.
(d) Change of SSB venue for interview is not permissible.
(e) Any correspondence regarding change of SSB dates be addressed to
the President of the concerned SSB on receipt of call up letter and
Directorate of Manpower Planning & Recruitment (OI&R), Room No 204,
‘C’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, IHQ-MoD (N), New Delhi-110 011. Award of fresh
dates for SSB would be given by the President SSB subject to availability.
(f) No compensation will be paid in respect of any injury sustained as a
result of tests.
(g) Return 3
AC rail fare is admissible for the SSB interview, if appearing
for the first time for this entry.
17. The training is scheduled to commence in Jun 2012.
18. Selected Candidates will be inducted as Cadets for four year B Tech course
in Electronics & Communication or Mechanical Engineering at the Indian
Naval Academy, Ezhimala Kerala. During the course, Cadets will be allotted
Execut ive, Engineer ing including Naval Archi tect special isat ion and
Electrical Branch. On completion of the course, B Tech Degree will be
awarded by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).
Note:- The entire cost of training, including books and reading material, will be
borne by the Indian Navy. The cadets will also be provided with free
clothing and messing.
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